My experience inWeb development


Software Developer @ Surge ERP Consulting

  • Lead the development of React app, improved overall accessibility, reduced loading time by 80%
  • Develop marketplaces for Ethereum NFTs, allowing users to interact with smart contracts
  • Develop a multiplayer game from end to end using WebSocket and
  • Develop a Node.js service with AWS Lambda to dynamically composite and generate PNG/SVG images with user’s inputs
  • Develop Node.js apps to automate routine workflows
  • Manage AWS ECS stacks

Renovated XiaoxiHome

  • Built portfolio website built with Next.js
  • Built a 3D scene into webpage with Babylon.js
  • Created 3D models and baked light textures with Blender


News App

  • Developed a frontend app with React.js to display news articles
  • Developed a Node.js app to collect and clean news data recurrently, has been working reliably for years
  • Developed a service with RabbitMQ to synchronize data between MongoDB and Elasticsearch
  • Migrated analytics and search functionalities from MongoDB to Elaticsearch
  • Visualized data into various interactive charts and map with d3.js
  • Built CI/CD pipeline with Docker-Compose and GitHub Actions



  • Built a blog with Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, and PostgreSQL
  • Built Authentication module with JSON Web Token (JWT)


The first XiaoxiHome

  • Discontinued, please give time for demo server to wake
  • Built a split-flap effect cover page with canvas and CSS, custom algorithm to divide images into proper-sized tiles
  • Built snowfall animation on canvas, with computation offloaded to Web Worker to improve performance

Wanna hire me?let's get in touch

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